Am I too old to have a baby?

Biologically, women are designed to start having babies when they begin menstruation.

But in the West, the current trend, especially among professional women, is to delay having children until their 30s. Unfortunately, some women are caught out when their eggs age faster than the rest of their bodies.

The Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) test, also known as the ‘egg-timer test’ can tell you whether your eggs are still viable.

However, you should be aware – that success with IVF is dependent on the quality of your eggs and therefore IVF is not always the silver bullet for all fertility problems.

The bottom line is: if you want a baby using your own eggs, you should try to conceive sooner rather than later.

By the time you are 40, your chances of conceiving and carrying a baby to full term become slimmer.

There’s a less than one percent chance of a woman over 44 having a baby with her own eggs – either naturally or through IVF.

Celebrity reports like this about 47-year-old actress Geena Davis giving birth to twins, do not tell the whole story.

Her publicisit does not reveal that Geena used donor eggs.

On the other hand – the good news is that if you are happy to use donor eggs – there is no age limit to having a baby. However you may have to undergo more medical tests to assess your general health and ability to carry a pregnancy to full term.